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Just Saw [Insert Movie Title Here]...

...or how my MFA in screenwriting ruined any chance of enjoying a movie like a normal person. If I apply what I've learned to existing films, would it have made a better film?

SPOILER WARNING: Please be advised, I plan to discuss plot points in detail so if you haven't seen the movie and don't want the surprise ruined, stop here.

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Location: California, United States

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Having studied the three act structure, narrative theory and fighting my own tendencies towards writing passive protagonists (as well as reading nearly every screenwriting book under the sun), I have a pretty good notion about what is expected in a commercial screenplay. But does meeting those expectations mean you'll have a good movie?

My plan is to comment on movies that I've seen in theaters and on DVDs and address why they didn't work for me using my understanding of screenwriting as a guide. Please feel free to agree or disagree. All opinions expressed by me are my own.

WARNING: Please be advised, I plan to discuss plot points in detail so if you haven't seen the movie and don't want the surprise ruined, stop here.


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